Build a site like TradeIndia

Web development is explained as the process of coding or encrypting any standard computer language with the purpose of building a website through the
process of programming. The developmental process of a website can range from the highly basic and simple text application all the way to the greatly complex
and very complicated net applications.

Web development is considered as one of the most evolving and growing industries all over the world now. The
number of organizations all around the globe that work to develop websites for different individuals and organizations have multiplied to a greater extent
over the past few years. One of the ways to measure how fast growing and important industry this is, is from the fact that the increasing number of firms
established, during a short course of time, as web development organizations that are running successfully. All major businesses all over the world should be
given credit for investing in this sector, supporting and assisting it which resulted in the success of this field. The trust and support put by these
businesses in the field of web development has proven to be a milestone in the success of this sector in the most effective manner.

Coming towards the
phase of website development, the entire process involved in the development of the site considers a number of security cogitations. These are found in all
web applications, even after careful evaluation and testing and the later launch stage. This is done in order to prevent hackers from exploiting security
breaches and avoiding hacking. This is easy and simple to do and anyone having slight knowledge of the internet can do it. This is done by coding that aids
in illegal access and collecting all the confidential information about the owner of the website.

Website development is an important aspect of your business. A web page is the face of your company. It is an effective marketing and interactive tool. It
enables you to communicate with the customers directly and can be used to create presence on the Internet. It is an online method of promoting business,
building brand image and targeting a niche market. Moreover, it also gives you an opportunity to beat competition and create visibility in the market. You
can spread awareness about your products or services through an online portal. Internet marketing was non-existent a decade ago. It was considered a support
tool and was not given much importance. However, in the last few years, it has gained a lot of significance and acceptance. The number of Internet users has
also increased worldwide. Having a website for your products or services has become mandatory. Website development is a part of Internet marketing and it
uses different techniques, which are shared herewith. Read on to learn about the benefits of the techniques used in web design.

Website Hosting: This
is another important feature of website development. Unless your site is not hosted, i.e. registered, the search engine spiders will not pick it up. The
benefit of hosting is that, it gives you a server where you can register the site and should the server crash, there is back up. Moreover, web hosting gives
you space to manage huge customer database. It gives you bandwidth and is very important for a business enterprise, whether small or large.

There are
different versions of web development and web 2.0 is one of the latest versions. Once you hire these services, there is no looking back. They will also offer
services like newsletter management, press release, search engine optimization and much more.

Web development strategy is the most important thing to achieve goals and capture your website visitors. There will be no positive outcome without it and
you will not be able to convert your website visitors into prospective clients.

Technology is just a tool, but not a solution. There are many types of
business and each has its own goal and target audience. So, before website development, ask yourself the following questions:

What is the goal of my

Who are the target audience?

What is my brand equity?

What is the USP of my products and services?

What are the top tasks in
my list?

What are the critical success factors?

What are the technical constraints?

Who are my competitors?

When you will hire a web
development company, make sure they work on the following things at the beginning and give you a free consultancy:


If you want to be successful online, you should have a clear understanding of your competitors' plus points and minus points. The web
development company should be able to do the competitor analysis in respect of their web presence, SEO effectiveness and social presence. In this process you
will be able to understand who is popular and doing great. Accordingly you can build your own online strategy.

Advertising Campaign

You can discuss with your web development company what are the best options for advertising and which will drive more traffic to your

So, make sure you hire a professional web development company.

Best of Luck for your next web project!

A business man would obviously like to reach to almost all the individuals across the world and thereby increase his profit. In order to achieve so,
complete information about the business you are involved, your aspirations, objectives and uniqueness of your business must be provided. A website can
fulfill your intention of spreading worldwide awareness regarding your business and there by achieving billions of customers. It can give sufficient
information and knowledge regarding your business in right manner that will benefit your aspirations and goals.

India has become famous for its quality
service in the development of website. At present, India has received global attention and international corporations are transferring their jobs to India.
Even, best services in web application and software development are offered in Indian market.

Conceived no earlier than the last decade, the website development industry is among the most lucrative industries in the world. Website development
refers to the processes and activities involve in the development of web sites. It includes e-commerce businesses, web content development, optimization and
web server configuration. It is the fastest growing industry in the world. A decade ago, there are but a number of website development companies in the
United States, now there are thousands from every country/ continent. The expected annual growth of this industry is more or less 20%.

Growth of this
industry can be accounted to increasing demand and interest of large and small businesses to effectively sell their products and services to customers, as
well as, to automate business, thereby reducing avenue for human errors. In the desire of businesses to gain as much profit as possible, they set up websites
to better engage buyers to their products and services. Websites are the quickest avenue to disseminate and gain information. Furthermore, website
development growth can also be attributed to the marked decrease in the cost of web site development and hosting. From cost reaching to about several
thousand US dollars, one can now develop websites for less than a thousand dollars, depending on its features and complexity. Of course, the more application
and features the more toilsome and more expensive.

Innovations in website development also brought about changes in communication and commerce. There
is a resurgence of e-commerce which refers to the purchasing and selling of products using electronic systems like the internet or other computer networks. and eBay have altered the manner in which consumers buy their goods. Another innovation brought about by website development is the blog. Blog is
the IN thing for individuals now. Blogging provides an avenue to express thought and emotions. Web applications like wordpress have made blog-making quite

Having developed your online business model, marketing plan and business plan, you then come to the website itself. Hoping that your website will somehow
evolve of its own accord is really not an option: that approach will increase your costs, cause delays and frustrate you. You can avoid the bulk of those
problems (and others) by planning your website carefully and by doing as much of the 'groundwork' as you can for yourself - here's what you'll need to

1. Quantify
First, you need to determine - and as precisely as possible - the scope and content of your site. By doing that you'll have
a good idea of how many pages it's going run to and how much your site's going to cost. Are you offering a product or a service which can be bought directly
off your website, or do you want leads? If you're selling a wide range of products, your website will need a 'shopping basket' plus a facility for taking
credit card payments. Sales-based websites do, generally speaking, take longer to develop than lead-generation websites and are therefore more costly.
IMPORTANT: skim over this aspect of the process and you'll be making changes later on, which will cost you money.

2. Plan
Knowing what the content
of your website is going to be, you then need to decide how it's going to 'work'. What's the natural progression of the site? How should it be divided up?
Which pages link to other pages? The better the site is planned, the easier it will be for visitors to find their way around it. You should also consider at
this stage how frequently your site is going to need updating. Would you prefer that to be done by the people who are going to create your site, or do you
want to do it yourself? If the latter, then let your web developers know before they begin work. IMPORTANT: sound planning can also help you identify any
content that you may have overlooked, or forgotten to include, in stage 1.

6. Publish
You've completed your testing and it's time to publish and
make it available in the public domain. For anyone to find your website, it has to sit on a computer (a 'server') - 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
There are businesses all over the world which provide that service ('hosting') although it's likely to be in your best interests to use a hosting provider
that's based in your country. And once your site is published, don't expect instant results. It may take anything between one month and six months for it to
be 'found' by the major search engines. IMPORTANT: always pay your hosting provider on time, otherwise you may not have a website any more...

Troika Tech Best - eCommerce Website Designing & Development Company in Andheri Bandra

102, Sagar Shopping Centre, Dawood Baug, Opposite PK Jewellers,, J.P. Road, Andheri (West) Station, Mumbai, Near Metro Station, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058    

Troika Tech Services - Website Designers in Mumbai

107, Kothari Milestone, Near Railway Station, Malad, Malad West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400064    

Troika Tech - Website Designers & Developers Company in Sakinaka Marol and Andheri East

4, Summit Business Park, Kurla Rd, Mota Nagar, Shivaji Colony, Mota Nagar, Andheri, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400099    


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